The Scientific Committee support the Scientific Director in providing scientific leadership for enabling and sustaining excellence in network research and training.

Derek Cronmiller

Yukon Geological Survey
Duane Froese

Duane Froese

University of Alberta
Stephan Gruber

Stephan Gruber

Carleton University

Scientific Director


Jocelyn Hayley

Jocelyn Hayley

University of Calgary

Shawn Kenny

Carleton University

Deputy Scientific Director

Steve Kokelj

Steve Kokelj

Northwest Territories Geological Survey
Tristan MacLean

Tristan MacLean

NSERC PermafrostNet

Director of Operations

Peter Pulsifer

Peter Pulsifer

Carleton University / National Snow and Ice Data Center (University of Colorado)

Ted Schuur

Northern Arizona University

Nicole Wilson

University of Manitoba

Diony Duraes Santos


Former members

Fabrice Calmels

Fabrice Calmels

Yukon University
Duane Froese

Christine Dow

University of Waterloo
Joe Melton

Joe Melton

University of Victoria

Pascale Roy-Léveillée

Laval University