Post-doctoral fellows
Omid Asghari
University of Alberta
Research Associate
Samuel Gagnon
University of Montreal
former post-doctoral fellow
Teddi Herring
University of Ottawa
AGM Co-chair 2021
former post-doctoral fellow
Jean Holloway
University of Ottawa
former post-doctoral fellow
Lingcao Huang
University of Victoria
former post-doctoral fellow
Michel Paquette
University of Montreal
former post-doctoral fellow
Mahya Roustaei
University of Alberta
former Research Associate
Niek Jesse Speetjens
University of Victoria
Muhammad Umair
University of Montreal
Jackie Ziegler
University of Victoria
Victor Pozsgay
Carleton University
Graduate students
Usman Iqbal Ahmed
Simon Fraser University
Pia Blake
Carleton University
Liam Carson
University of Calgary
Pete Castillo
University of Victoria
Alexandre Chiasson
University of Alberta
Danielle Chiasson
Université Laval
Andrew Clark
University of Calgary
Nicole Corbiere
Laurentian University
Léa Cornette
Université de Montréal
Kaitlyn Diedrichs
University of Victoria
Hosein Fereydooni
Carleton University
Lucas Fuertes
Calgary University
Charles Gauthier
Université de Montréal
Erika Hille
Queen’s University
Patrick Jardine
Carleton University
Galina Jonat
Carleton University
Gabriel Karam
Carleton University
Adam Kirkwood
Carleton University
Rae Landriau
Carleton University
Rose Lefebvre
Université de Montréal
Hannah Macdonell
Carleton University
Olivia Meier-Legault
Carleton University
Zakieh Mohammadi
University of Calgary
Adeleh Zafranchi Zadeh Moqadam
Carleton University
Allison Plourde
Simon Fraser University
Tabatha Rahman
Université Laval
Zhina Rezvani
Carleton University
Khatereh Roghangar
University of Calgary
Astrid Schetselaar
Carleton University
Maria Shaposhnikova
University of Waterloo
Payam Sharifi
GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC
Emilie Stewart-Jones
Carleton University
Emma Street
University of Victoria
AGM Co-chair 2023
Joseph Young
University of Alberta
AGM Co-chair 2022
Bingqian Zhang
Simon Fraser University
Former student
Lyna Mansouri
Université de Montréal
former (2022)
Matthis Schindler
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
former (2023)